Mother-daughter relationships are complex, beautiful, and yes, sometimes challenging. And while the time just before and during adolescence can be a tumultuous period of a girl's life, it also offers incredible opportunities for girls to discover their strengths, to establish healthy emotional boundaries, and embrace all of who they are.
My goal is to help girls create a general sense of wellbeing – a sense of wholeness. Exploring her creativity and expressing herself feeds a girl's experience of wholeness. And mothers play a very special role in our daughters' sense of wholeness. That's why I'm especially dedicated to improving mother-daughter connection and communication through creativity.
I'm offering this course online in partnership with New Moon Girls. It's the first time I've adapted an in-person workshop to make it available virtually. It's very rewarding to be able to reach more moms and girls with these powerful tools.
“Since beginning this program, my daughter is more confident, able to deal with anxiety so much better. She’s able to calm herself down with the tools Megan has given her. We have always been close, but with the last few months our relationship has blossomed. I love the person she is turning into. We LOVE and look forward to our weekly meetings. You have made my daughter a stronger and more confident young lady - thank you!”
— Jennifer
“The best part for me as a mother was taking my hands off this very huge responsibility of raising a successful girl. I stress too much and don’t enjoy enough, and this was one thing in my life that I didn’t have to do, just show up and be. Also, the connection with the other mothers was great. I learned that we all struggle to be the best moms we can be. The best part for my daughter was she got a chance to be herself and be seen. It was a place to be together as a mom-daughter pair and have a little fun. You provided a path for relationship building that allowed me to trust a vague process of development for my daughter. You made each girl feel like they were seen, and you helped me to see my daughter through someone else’s eyes.”
— Pam